Monday 15 February 2010

Party on Dude!

Had a great time at the friends 40th birthday party on Saturday night. My normal tipple of Morgans & Diet Coke were going down a storm, and seeing as I was sitting at a table with people that I don't know all that well, I decided what better to break the ice than a round of shots............................

Anyway, I know everyone at my table a darn sight better now he he. Largely ignored the buffet table, but had a small piece of quiche, some salad and some coleslaw so not too bad.

Drifted lethargically through Sunday and caved this morning to have a sneaky peek at the damage. I am 1lb up from weigh in on Saturday. On the upside, hubby did not buy me any chocs for Valentine's day opting instead to get me a couple of books - no points in those at least.

Once again, I will be working hard this week to undo the weekend gain and and lose another little bit in time for Saturday.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Safari - so goody

Well I lost 1.5lbs today and it feels great to be back in the swing of things.

Damien (hubby) and I went out for an Indian last Saturday night which was lovely but a ridiculous amount of points spent. Suffice to say, I have been clawing back some points all week to compensate.

I worked fairly hard and consistently on the exercise front all week. 5 x 3mile walks in the evenings after dinner, and 50 minutes last night on the Wii fit. I invested in wii fit plus, and had great fun with the new features as well as the old hula hoop and step plus favourits.

I think in reality, that my losses would be greater if I didn't spend Mondays to Fridays compensating for the weekend damage.

I would say I will try harder on that front, but realistically it won't be starting this weekend. I am out tonight in my home town, going to a 40th birthday party. With my planned meals today, I will have eaten 15 points, and that only leaves 3 extra for alcohol. That just won't cover it I'm afraid.

My good friend and fellow WW'er started back at classes with me in January. She got her (new) starting weigh in, bunked off the next week, attended the week after that, and has bunked off the last 2 weeks. She is so hacked off with herself at the moment, and I am genuinely sorry for her. I am willing her to get her head back in it, but its that old adage about "no-one can do this for you". Hate not being able to help her with this - we've talked at length about the whole subject - but she has at least come out on the walks I've been doing this week. Her starting WW is what motivated me to start way back in the beginning, and I kind of wanted us to finish together what we started together.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Reasons to be cheerful

So I'm back in the weightloss zone, but struggling slightly with my paltry 18 points. Some days slightly over some days slightly under, so over the course of the week it evens itself out. That said I have been back attending classes since 16th January and have had 2 losses totalling 3.5lbs. Not startling, but steady and consistent and better than gaining!!

So, keeping with the positive vibe, I have decided to list the anticipated highlights of the next couple of months.

1. I am going to be an Auntie for the very first time. My niece should be making her arrival anytime between end of Feb and 10th of March.
2. My sister - responsible for making me said Auntie - lives in Belgium. That means I will be taking a week off work to go visit her, my brother-in-law and most importantly, my niece - yay!
3. I will be earning lots of activity points by kidnapping the niece and going for nice long walks pushing a pram in the Belgian countryside.
4. I have a semi-posh dinner/dance event happening in March. It's all of my oldest and best friends and their other halves, so excellent company and a chance to put on the gladrags.

So lots of lovely things are happening, and on top of my reasons to be cheerful, I have decided I need a small "To-Do" list. I am a bit of a procrastinator by nature, so I intend to get my finger out on the following:

1. Make a donation to the DEC, for Haiti
2. Bag up the too big for me clothes that have been heaped in the spare room since October last year (yeah really, talk about out of sight out of mind) and get them to the PDSA charity shop.
3. Get the house decorated. I mean we're only talking emulsion and a bit of glossing here, it's not like I have to renovate, but the thought of spending precious weekends that way is off-putting to say the least.


Wednesday 27 January 2010

Ahem.........A Brief History of Time

So I haven't blogged for an eternity, probably connected with the fact that I went WW AWOL for November & December. Here's why:

30th October - Off to Thailand for 2 weeks "summer" holiday. Stayed at an Ibis Hotel for the first time. Not so much a room as a room-ette and not so much a balcony as a balcon-ette. Getting the picture? This place was tiny but new, spotless and well located. Had a ball. Swam a minimum of 40 laps each day, walked for miles, ate sensibly during the day, drank Singha beer insensibly at night. Got beer munchies and ate things like pizza for first time in eternity. And Swenson ice cream - chocolate and peanut butter ice cream should be a class A drug. Went to The River Kwai, Temple of the Tigers, Climbed Erawan Waterfall, visited Cambodia and visited some amazing temples including Angkor Wat and Siem Reap to name but a few. Visited the Killing Fields at the same time as the King of Cambodia who waved at us, the only tourists at that point, from his procession! Came home 7lbs heavier!

Rest of November - Bit of a blur, but hard going at work getting caught up after holidays.

December - Didn't shift any of the holiday gain, but managed to maintain it for first few weeks of December. Then comes the many many many Christmas events - nights out, days out shopping and lunching, Christmas itself. Wahhh - hello another 4lbs!

New Year - More parties but officially bored with the excess now. Manchester on the 2nd for the last big wahoo - a Golden Wedding Anniversary party. Getting back to WW is now no longer a "need to" situation, it is also a desire.

January 9th - Should be 1st class of the New Year but the awful weather means its cancelled. Start getting into the habit of pointing again, and find I am struggling to keep to the 18 points I should be on. Averaging around 22, but certain that is many many less than what has gone on for the last 8 weeks.

January 16th - Hooray. Back to class and to normality. Gain was 11lbs as expected. Thank God it was less than a stone - a very small mercy at least.

January 23rd - Motivation, willpower, focus and drive all present and correct. TOTM arrives most unwelcomed. Lost 2lbs though, so at least going in the right direction.

And thats it folks. I'm all caught up and ready to go go go.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Scunnered with myself

Right then, confession time. I go to WW with a good friend of mine and we both had cack weeks diet-wise last week. I guess the slow-down in weight loss has started to get to me and I just found myself not really trying on a few days last week. Which translates to I over-ate on 3 days out of a possible 7. The upshot is - we bunked off the class. I am completely SCUNNERED with myself. (In case you don't know, scunnered means "hacked off". You can be scunnered, have the scunner etc). When I think of the number of times I have coaxed people to go when they know they are in for bad news. Double standards or what?
So a mental slap in the face has been administered and I am really trying hard this week to make up for things.

I went swimming at 9am on Sunday at our local pool, and thats the first swim I've had since my holidays in November last year. Also, swimming on hols is usually more about cooling down rather than exercise so I don't exactly push myself. Well on Sunday I pushed. I am not a great swimmer - breast stroke and back stroke only - but I did manage 26 laps in 1 hour and I was really pleased with that. Fast forward to 2pm Sunday afternoon when the pain in my arms was so excruciating I would've believed a heart attack was imminent. I couldn't believe how sore my arms were!!! Anyway, glutton for punishment that I am, I am going back to the pool again today.

Its the Glasgow holiday weekend this week, meaning I am on holiday on Friday and Monday. The boss, in an act of benevolence, has decided that we can all finish up at 1pm today to "get the best out of the weekend". Three cheers for the boss then!! Hip hip hooray!!

I am still on target to reach my 50lb loss before going on holidays on 30th October. I have a dress that I am still struggling to do up at the boob area, so I am hoping that with continued losses - even if they are small ones - plus some exertion in the pool I will get that bloomin zip up in time. (I'm actually tempted to take a picture of me in that dress and then poll for opinions on how much weight I'll have to drop to get it zipped up fully hmmmmmmmmm)

I do have one NSV that I am delighted about though. 12 years ago (hard to believe its that long ago) I weighed around 9 stone after having lost a lot of weight without the aid of a slimming club. I bought a gorgeous Calvin Klein suede jacket as my reward, which I think I would've worn twice, cos I would've been keeping it for "good". Even though I grew too big for it, I could never bear to part with it along with the other "skinny" clothes that went the way of the charity shops. I tried it on this week - just out of curiosity - and I can button it up!!!! Don't get me wrong - I'm not comfortable in it cos its still tight, but I'm getting there. It's a small thing really, but I was tickled pink with that. And of course its way cool now that its "vintage".

I am stopping all this nonsense about keeping clothes "for good". I am going to wear all my lovely new (or old) gear and enjoy it.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Then and Now

What a laugh we had in the office at tea-break today. Conversation was all about food from our childhood, most of us were kids in the seventies, and I noticed the common theme was "heavily processed".

Ahh the memories of crispy pancakes, king ribs, foreign foods such as ravioli from a tin alphabetti spaghetti, french bread pizza to name but a few. Frequently followed by angel delight or arctic roll or jam roll 'n' custard.

I actually cannot remember the last "ready made" main meal I ate, but suspect it was probably a WW lasagne from several weeks/months ago.

Thats another thing about WW - suddenly we are all "chefing" and into making our food from scratch. Even the most inexperienced cooks would be hard pressed not to follow a typical WW recipe.

Anyhow, I am having a good week points and exercise wise this week. I am at my midway point till next WI and I decided on Sunday that the Sneaky Peaks that have been getting out of hand - daily checks am and again at pm - were going to be cut out. Then I panicked and promised myself that I would cut them down - cutting out altogether seemed too much to bear.

Well I managed 2 days without peaking and blew it unintentionally this morning. Got up still a bit sleepy, went to loo then stood on scales!!!! I wasn't in my right mind, I tells ya. Anyhow, I am down a whole quarter pound. Just as well there are 3 whole days left to go then and TOTM will have passed by then too. Honestly hacked off at doing that this morning - it has actually been liberating just assuming that because I am doing all the right things the scales will deliver justice whether or not I am SP'ing.

Of course, if I was really really determined not to fall off the No SP wagon again, I would move the scales somewhere else wouldn't I................................? Maybe when I'm feeling stronger.

Saturday 12 September 2009


My oh my what a wonderful day!!

I lost 1whole lb today and am very pleased with that. It's been ages (or so it seems) since I've had a whole number to report. Don't get me wrong, 1/2 lbs are okay, but I'd prefer not to make them a habit especially when I am trying so hard.

The weather has taken a turn for the freakish up here in Rainy Town. We are basking in the sun and to celebrate, the hubby and I went for a bike ride. We had to cut it a bit short though, as both of us had very soft tyres, so the going was quite tough. Schoolboy error - we should've checked the tyres before we set off but we are still relatively new to our bikes. Should make for an extra wee bonus point though - we still managed 6k though. It's funny though - I have no recollection of ever pumping my tyres up in my youth. Either tyres back then were more hard wearing, or more likely, my Dad would've done it without me realising.

Got stuck in traffic on the way to WW class today, meaning that I didn't get a chance to have the chat about my ultimate goal weight with my leader that I had intended on initiating.

I have decided that for now, my main goal is to get to 50lbs off before I go on holiday on 30th October. Thailand here we come and I cannot wait. I've had so much enjoyment this year in purchasing the new holiday wardrobe that I may, for once, struggle with my baggage allowance.
I have so many nice things now and its been a long long time since I had to worry about having too many outfits. Normally I would have to get items laundered on holiday to see me through.

Anyhow, in deference to the good weather, a relatively good result at WI today and my bike ride, I am off to treat myself to a very summery drink - 1 Gin and (diet) bitter lemon is being poured out as I type.

Chin chin everyone.